New England Daylily Society (NEDS) Meeting
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Boylston Town House, 599 Main Street, Boylston, MA.
Click here for a link to Google Maps location.
Please join us for our next meeting on March 8, 2025, where our speakers will be Chris von Kohn and Curtis Cerillo from Blue Creek Daylily Garden in Maryland. Their garden is a collaborative effort between two current daylily hybridizers with over 30 years combined experience. Merging two distinct programs, Chris von Kohn and Curtis Cerillo began building this Maryland garden in the Summer of 2021. The garden features rows of daylily seedlings, hybridizer bridge plants, a small species collection, and an ever growing/changing selection of AHS registered daylilies new and old.
Theirs is a “working garden” used for hybridizing and creating NEW daylily varieties with unique genetics that perform well in different settings. Their work includes Diploid and Tetraploid varieties that range in size, shape, color, and form. Visit their website to see their collections. Chris and Curtis have spoken at Lilihemmer and we are lucky they will join us at our next meeting. We hope you will be there, too!
Here's a list of the cultivars Chris and Curtis will be offering for auction at the meeting on Saturday to be picked up at the May Sale:
Grape Freckles
Cherry Disposition
Nasty Woman
Perpetual Pink
Drew’s Determination
Mixed Messages
Pawky Princess
Aeryn’s Locket
Meeting Agenda
10:00 - 10:30 – Arrival and Setup and Member Social Time
10:30 - 12:00 - Speaker: Chris von Kohn or Curtis Cerillo TBD
12:00 - 1:00 - Potluck luncheon
1:00 - Drawing for door prize plants and short Business Meeting
1:15 - Speaker: Chris von Kohn or Curtis Cerillo TBD
3:00 - 3:30 - Clean up
Dates of upcoming events for 2025:
April 12, 2025 - NEDS Meeting - Speaker Rich Howard from CTDaylilies
May 2025 - Plant Sale
July 26, 2025 - Daylily Exhibition @ New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill
August 3, 2025 (Sunday) - NEDS Picnic in Sharon George's garden. Details to follow
October 2025 - Tentative NEDS event - Date and program TBD
November 2025 - NEDS Meeting Date and program TBD
NEDS Membership:
There is no fee to join NEDS and attend meetings, however if you'd like get the "full daylily experience", join The American Daylily Society for $30. Included with your membership, you will receive four beautiful issues of The Daylily Journal, our official newsletter magazine, each year. This magazine contains articles on award winning daylilies, the most popular daylilies by geography, trends in daylily hybridizing, scientific studies, and highlights of gardens and conventions.
New members joining the American Daylily Society also receive a $25 voucher, which can be redeemed towards purchases of daylilies with select growers across the United States. Visit for more details.
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